Now that the 2006 General Election is over, it is time to start taking bets on when Oregon's Secretary of State, Bill Bradbury, resigns his office.
You see, the Democrats in Oregon have rigged the system we use in Oregon to elect a Secretary of State. What happens is this: the current Secretary of State resigns sometime during the final two years of his (or her) last term (as long as there is a Democrat in the Governor's office).
Then, the Governor gets to appoint a successor to the office, to complete the final two years of the term. The successor then gets to run in the next election as the incumbent, enjoying all of the advantages of incumbency.
Phil Keisling did it in 1998. Given that January 1, 2007 begins the final two years of Bill Bradbury's term in office, it is time to start taking bets on when old Bill Bradbury resigns.
It is kind of ironic, isn't it, that Democrats would deny democracy to the very Oregon elected office that is supposed to GUARANTEE democracy in Oregon.
Now, I know what Democrats are going to say: "But there is an election in two years that the Republican candidate could win. But he or she doesn't. This is just sour grapes."
Well, any Democrat -- or anyone for that matter -- who makes this argument is being flat out disengenuous. It is well documented that incumbents share a significant advantage over a challenger. For one, in the Voters' Pamphlet, the Democrat incumbent gets to list as his or her occupation: "Secretary of State" and gets to run as the incumbent.
And of course, the incumbent Secretary of State gets the preferential treatment of the press. Editorial Boards across the state will opine: "Secretary So-and-So has done a fine job over the last two years, we see no need to replace the current Secretary of State with an unknown challenger."
The advantages are undeniable. As are the rewards to the Democratic party. In return for nominating Billy Bradbury, the Democrats had legislative districts redrawn to guarantee Democrat majorities in both the Oregon House and Senate. Plus, Bill Bradbury has been nothing but a pawn for opponents of the initiative process.
Don't believe me? Bill Bradbury is more concerned about initiative fraud than he is concerned about voter fraud. Why? Who do you think is most likely to engage in voter fraud? Hmmmmm............
So, given that the Democrats are going to rig the system again, it is time to start taking bets (in a figurative -- not literal -- sense) on when Bill Bradbury is going to resign and who Ted Kulongoski is going to appoint.
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I think Bradbury will resign on January 15th and Teddy Kulongoski will appoint either Peter Courtney or Kate Brown.
I agree, sometime after the new legislature gets sworn in, but not too far into the session. I think it will either be Kate Brown or Peter Courtney.
The Democrats need someone in the office who will continue Bradbury's partisan, corrupt, and unethical ways. Who better that Kate or Peter -- the two politicians who tried desperately to protect pedophiles -- to fill that job?
I mean, if Kate and Peter think it is ok to protect pedophiles, they would have no problem rigging an election.
I heard the deal was already done and that Peter Courtney is already making plans to become the next Secretary of State. HE isn't partisan or anything.
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